
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thing #21

I have had SO MUCH TROUBLE getting this to work.
My partner and I spent all day yesterday putting together a photostory that we could use during the first few days of school.
To get it posted, first we tried Switchpod, but could not get registered.
Then I tried to change the .mp3 to wmv, but photo story saves as an mp3 and I was unable to get it changed.
Then I registered at and was able to upload my photostory there - but was unable to copy and paste the code into my blog. I know that I am doing something very simple, but at this point I am frustrated.
This is proving to be one lesson where I need a hands-on training. When things go wrong, I need help, rather than fumbling around.
I will keep trying, perhaps someone has an answer to my problem.

1 comment:

VWB said...

you do need to save it as a .wmv
there is a place to do that on the Photostory...then it can be uploaded directly. see if this doesn't help you.
PhotoStory Help