
Monday, July 21, 2008

Think #15

Houston Independent School District is very fortunate to have at the helm of the big library ship a very progressive and capable administrator. Through him libraries are entering the Web 2.0 age. Yet not all principals have bought into the ideas of our administrator, and it is up to the individual librarian to steer her/his boat.
Last year I moved into a new, much larger library and immediately became overwhelmed with the size and the number of books. It seemed that all I was doing was checking books in and out. Reading scores improved drastically, but I was really stressed, and spend many Saturdays shelfing books. There just was no time to do anything other than manage a "Just in case" collection. I am also the technologist, but everything I wanted to accomplish took back stage to everyday routines.
This year I am very fortunate in that I was able to convince my principal and assistant principal to add another librarian position at our school. I asked for, and got, probably one of the most capable, energentic and fantastic librarians to join me. Both of us are taking this on-line course, and the ideas we have generated will move our library from a book collection into programs which will integrate our services into our students and teachers daily lives.
We have moved our little boat from handing out books to an integration of books and Web 2.0 services - at least we are going to do our very best this year.


myska said...

You are too kind! Yes we are going to SOAR this year as we bring students, teacher, and parents into the modern world! I can't wait to get started!

Lefty said...

Amen to your comments. More HISD principals need to have their eyes opened to what our studetns need to make it in the world today. As long as we are covering classes and given no time to help teachers and students our students are going to come up short. Lyons needs the computers and the up-to-date technology to rise above.